
Made made MADE

  ..Speaking of craft events, in the next few months i'm going to be  involved in a couple of local events, and possibly be exhibiting my work in a few low-key and local places. This is both exciting and terrifying but i'm looking forward to seeing what comes of it!

    In preparation for this, on Friday I am going to the Brighton Corn Exchange (which is exciting in itself!)to see the Made in Brighton craft show.(Check out their blog here). I'm really excited about the opportunity to network, share ideas, and see how other crafters deal with logistics such as stall layout and self promotion. Hopefully i'll come away from the experience with some beautiful crafts, useful photos, a stash of new business cards, some more ideas, inspiration and know-how, and new contacts!

As the Scouts say..BE PREPARED so here are my lovely
*new* business cards!

Keep checking in for the Made write-up and photos.